Dr Suvankar Pal

Dr Suvankar Pal

Dr Suvankar Pal

Consultant Neurologist
Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh

Suvankar Pal has a clinical and research interest in neurodegenerative disorders.  He is clinical lead for the regional cognitive disorders clinic at the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic, clinical lead for the UK National CJD Research & Surveillance unit, and together with Siddharthan Chandran is co-lead of CARE-MND. CARE-MND is an integrated care and research platform to gather relevant information and biological samples from people with MND across Scotland, with their consent, and to let them know about research projects they might be interested in joining.

Suvankar's research interests include the incidence, distribution and potential causes of neurodegenerative disorders, investigating their genetic basis, and developing treatment trials.

Research projects
